Community Based Instruction (CBI) is so important student based learning outcomes in our program. Since we are a life skills based program, CBI is so important because it allows our students the hands-on instruction in their community that is needed to solidify the living skills we will be diligently practicing in the classroom all year. Some of these skills include purchasing in the community, shopping for groceries to prepare a meal, restaurant expectations and placing a food order ; as well as skills we cannot experience fully in class such as: how to use public transportation and what jobs are available in our community.
Each class will have weekly trips into the community on a specific day or days depending on the structure of your students class (More detail to be provided by the teacher). Before trips begin for the year you will be provided a permission slip and a detailed outline of where your student’s class will be going, what forms of transportation will be used, what learning or skill the trip will be addressing, and a suggested donation amount to cover your student’s cost for the trip. No student will be denied participation based on inability to pay, however, any donations you are able to provide go directly to your student so that he/she can make purchases in the community.
Here are some things to be mindful of in preparing your student for CBI:
Have your student wear comfortable walking shoes
Dress appropriately for the weather including sunblock when needed (we even walk in light rain so umbrellas or jackets are a must)
Bring a wallet or purse (Student is responsible for own money/ticket on trip)